

    FediVariety things that make us tick

  • Even before our journey began at fnf23 in Brussels, we envisioned a day when we could collectively dedicate our time, efforts, and passion to protecting privacy and digital rights for everyone. This has always been a fundamental principle in our lives and our mission. so here it is: fedivariety!

    — the future should always be better —

    Initially published by petites singularités: https://ps.lesoiseaux.io/ https://ps.zoethical.org/pub/lettre-publique-aux-ncp-au-sujet-de-ngi/ "Since 2020, Next Generation Internet (NGI) programmes, part of European Commission’s Horizon programme, fund free software in Europe using a cascade...
    Various elements for the operation in this ambitious research project needed to be assembled and prepared in a team, spread over whole Europe. In the mean while the political context (EU and many others...) changed quite dramatically, as expected. Despite all efforts, EDPS wasn't able to find a...
    Erin Kissane and Darius Kazemi (with the support of the Digital Infrastructure Insights Fund) proposed this project in the fall of 2023 based on our shared sense that the Fediverse’s history of resilience and expansion positions it as one of our best chances to allow more people to maintain...
    Federated social networks, collectively known as the “fediverse,” are emerging as alternatives to traditional social media platforms. These networks, such as Mastodon, Threads, and BlueSky, offer a decentralized approach to online interaction. However, the shift to a decentralized model...
    Wojciech Wiewiórowski, EDPS, stated: “The EDPS pilot project of EU Voice and EU Video has proved that public bodies, like EUIs, can offer social media platforms that respect individuals’ fundamental rights as alternatives to common platforms owned by a handful of big players. I am proud of the...
    "Congratulations! Thank you for your patience while we were completing our review. It paid off: your project "Integrating Fediverse into Public Administration, EU Voice-Video case study" (2023-12-211) is one of the selected proposals eligible to receive a grant from NLnet foundation in the...
    "It is my pleasure to inform you that your project ""Integrating Fediverse into Public Administration; a EU Voice & Video case study"" (2023-12-211) has been selected to enter the second round of the December 2023 call. While the first round is solely based on your proposal, this strict selection...
    January 24, 2024
    More than 240 people in-person and over 400 people online; policymakers, activists, human rights defenders, and academics from all over Europe came together for Privacy Camp 2024 to explore the theme ‘Revealing, Rethinking, and Changing Systems’. Whether it’s political systems or AI systems, they...
    At #37c3, the 37th Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, as always organised by the Chaos Communication Club, we organised a live podcast show to open up the discussion regarding our aimed research project. Our session called “Who Killed The Internet? And a promising alternative for Public...
    We applied for a grant application from the NLnet Foundation, in the "Open Social Fund" call, which is about open social networking technologies with a central role for ActivityPub. Fingers crossed.. ;) NLnet Foundation: nlnet.nl/
    November 16, 2023
    The 2023 NGI Forum was a valuable opportunity to network with policymakers, researchers, innovators and industry representatives. It brought together Europe's top internet innovators, policymakers and technologists to shape a more secure, open and citizen-centric internet. We gained valuable...
    Several specialists in the field, as well as we from FediVariety, wrote an open letter to Ms Dana MANESCU, Head of Social Media and Visual Communication, and Mr Roberto VIOLA, Director General of the European Commission, urging them to attend the upcoming NGI meeting on 15th and 16th November,...
    In light of our research project, we were invited to participate in the EDPS seminar on the Regulation Proposal on Child Sexual Abuse Material. The CSAM proposal has raised concerns about privacy implications and the feasibility of the proposed measures. The seminar addressed these risks and...
    Despite limited data, we worked diligently to prepare a compelling application for the Digital Infrastructure Insights Fund (D//F) within a short timeframe. The D//F is a multi-funder initiative supporting research into how open digital infrastructure is built and deployed. Although we weren't...
    September 26, 2023
    We attended the conference to gain insight into direction, potential support, possible sponsorship and possible collaboration from this audience of respectful people working on human rights and digital freedom. Side discussions led to further motivation for our intended project. Among the...
    September 23, 2023
    The idea for a research project on the EU Voice and EU Video pilot project emerged, leading our founders, Victoria Neumann and Peter Mechels, to schedule a follow-up videoconference with Robert Riemann, the EDPS project lead. The meeting brought together representatives from the FOSS community,...
    September 9, 2023
    To maintain engagement and enthusiasm from our workshop attendees on “Fediverse Integration for Public Administration”, we formed a matrix group (with the same name) to explore potential research (funding) scenarios and practical steps related to the EDPS EU Voice and EU Video pilot project on...
    Wojciech Wiewiórowski, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), delivered a powerful keynote speech that left us energised and inspired to action. The title was "Fediverse for Public Administration: Why we try and why we fail?". His words prompted us to organise an ad-hoc session ...